
Nach Branche filtern:

Complet Revision setzt auf Penneo KYC für optimierte Geldwäsche-Compliance

Über Complet Revision Complet Revision ist eine Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, deren Kompetenz von Kunden aus allen Branchen genutzt wird. Das Unternehmen hat...

Accountancy Manacc’s journey through regulatory changes and digital evolution

Accountancy Manacc, a family run accounting firm, has long been committed to delivering holistic accounting services to its clients for...

Titeca’s journey towards digitisation and efficiency with Penneo

Why Titeca Pro Accountants & Experts chose Penneo to kickstart their digitalisation journey: making work processes more efficient, staying compliant,...

Finezz Accountants and Penneo

Finezz Accountants offers its clients the possibility to have a 100% digital flow with the help of Penneo and other...

BOOKKEEPERS automated daily workflows via Penneo Sign and the Silverfin integration

Before choosing Penneo, we researched a few competitors out there. We chose Penneo based on their international presence and API...

Fiskcouncil is able to serve double the amount of customers with the help of Penneo

We save at least half an hour per document compared to the original process of printing, sending, and following up....

Aspelin Ramm Eiendom improves efficiency when handling lease agreements

I was one of the first to start using Penneo at Aspelin Ramm. We operate with many leases all the...

Penneo’s API Helped Goldwasser Exchange Fully Automate the Client Onboarding Process

Challenge Goldwasser Exchange prides itself on offering its clients a great experience. The company is able to do so by...

TFRS Accountancy Goes 100% Paperless with Penneo Sign

Challenges TFRS is an accounting firm that was confronted, like many in the industry, with the accumulation of paper documents...

Fineko Improves Customer Service Thanks to Penneo Sign

Challenges It has always been paramount for Fineko to remain a competitive company and digitalization was becoming a priority. Some...

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