Penneo KYC Helps Complet Revision to Stay on Top of AML Compliance

About Complet Revision

Complet Revision is an accounting firm, servicing a broad range of clients. The company’s mission is to help its clients and provide them with high-quality services.

Complet Revision is a trusted partner to its clients, providing high-level expertise and insights on everything accounting and auditing-related.


As an accounting firm, Complet Revision is subject to anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. This means that when they get a new client, they need to perform the KYC process.

Previously, when the company onboarded a new client, the process was manual. Clients would come to Complet Revision’s office for a meeting, followed by which they’d have to scan their IDs and documentation and send it via email. Complet Revision would then upload it in the right locations.

The company realized they were missing a tool where they could collect and store the client documentation securely in order to be compliant with legislation. It was time to find such a solution.


Complet Revision was already using Penneo Sign for some time, and after hearing about Penneo KYC, they decided to give it a go.

Onboarding new clients is a much more efficient process for both parties now. Penneo KYC retrieves data about a company and its beneficial owners automatically from the business registers, and Complet Revision can then request the documentation from the right contacts. Clients can submit the information from their phones or computers. Complet Revision approves the documentation – or requests additional information where needed – and everything is stored securely in one place.

“Penneo KYC is an easy program to learn and use, it works really well. With it, we feel secure knowing we’re on top of the standards and compliance requirements we’re subject to. The system also notifies us when there are changes or there’s new information in the business registers, so we don’t have to worry about it. We’re then able to focus on the work we’re really good at and help our clients with other tasks.” – Louise Jansen, Auditor at Complet Revision


When Complet Revision was selected for a control from the Danish Business Authorities, Penneo KYC was a big benefit.

“Penneo KYC helped us a lot with the control. We were able to show we collected the right documentation from our clients and were storing it securely. Thanks to the audit log, we could also show when we collected the information and document each step of the process.” – Louise Jansen, Auditor at Complet Revision

One of the very few comments Complet Revision received during the control was that the Company Summary needed to be collected each year. At the time, that wasn’t a function in Penneo KYC. After sharing this feedback with Penneo, the function was implemented in the product.

“Working with Penneo is just great. There’s a really good collaboration, and there’s always someone to help us whenever we need it.” – Louise Jansen, Auditor at Complet Revision

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