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2023 AML Compliance Report

2023 AML Compliance Report

Between the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, we conducted a survey to pinpoint the major issues encountered...
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Infographic: Digital identities and e-signatures in the EU

Infographic: Digital identities and e-signatures in the EU

Almost ten years have passed since the publication of the eIDAS Regulation. As we are now close to the finalization...
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Electronic Signatures Legality Guide

Gids voor elektronische handtekeningen

Als onderdeel van de EU is België onderworpen aan de eIDAS-verordening, waarin normen zijn vastgelegd die elektronische handtekeningen en e-identiteiten...
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Danish companies fail to ensure AML compliance

Infographic: Danish companies fail to ensure AML compliance

Since January 2022, the Danish Business Authority has inspected 74 companies in Denmark to assess their AML compliance. Together, the...
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AML Compliance

Infographic: AML Compliance – Challenges & Opportunities

Organizations in Switzerland, Norway, and the UK received the largest fines in 2021 – €84m, €47m, and €31m, respectively. The...
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E-book: Digitaal handtekenen voor sectoren die met de antiwitwaswet te maken hebben

E-book: Digitaal handtekenen voor sectoren die met de antiwitwaswet te maken hebben

Bedrijven in sterk gereguleerde sectoren hebben één ding gemeen: papierwerk – veel teveel papierwerk. Het afhandelen van documentatie via handmatige...
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Webinar: Penneo x Silverfin

Webinar: Wilt u tijd besparen? Penneo X Silverfin is de oplossing

Wilt u uw document transacties en doorlooptijd optimaliseren? In deze webinar laten we u de voordelen zien van het gebruik...
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Penneo signatures in the U.S.

Penneo Signatures in the U.S.

Are Penneo signatures court admissible in the U.S.? Yes! Whenever a signature is required by law, the signature can be...
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Webinar: Everything You Need to Know about Digital Signatures

Webinar: Everything You Need to Know about Digital Signatures

Want to optimize your document transactions and turnaround time? In this webinar, we are going to show digital signing in...
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Guide: Trends & Technologies for the Legal Industry

Guide: Trends & Technologies for the Legal Industry

Did you know that a single lawyer typically generates 20K to 100K printed pages per year? The legal profession has...
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