
Penneo Sign

Get documents signed digitally in just a few clicks. Use automated flows for complex business transactions. Simplify identity verification and data collection.


10-day free trial. No credit card required.

Penneo Sign

Secure and convenient digital interactions

With Penneo, signing is 100% digital. It’s better for the environment, faster, easier, and more secure. Reduce manual work and ensure compliance with legal requirements.
Take the compliance hassle out of the way

Digital signing

Get documents signed faster without emailing people back and forth or trying to book them for a physical meeting.

Workflow automation

Collect signatures from different stakeholders in a specific order and keep a full overview of the entire process.

Data collection

Collect personal information such as pictures of IDs, or bank details in a secure way, and in compliance with regulatory requirements.

Digital signatures

Simplify document signing
Sign on the go
Allow your customers and business partners to sign digitally with eID or simple electronic signature from any place and any device. Also, several documents in one go.
Limit access to information
Limit access to sensitive information
Ensure the right person is viewing and signing by requesting identity verification.
Share documents
Store and share documents in a secure way
Easily organize and manage documents in your Penneo account. Depending on the signature method used, signers may get a free personal archive.

Automated signing flows

Signing flows
Simple and advanced signing flows
Sales agreements, employment contracts, annual reports and more. Each flow contains specific signing roles and collects the necessary signatures in a compliant order.
Automatic reminders
Automatic reminders
Stay on top of deadlines with scheduled reminders. You decide when and how often your clients should be reminded to sign.
Progress overview
Progress overview
Keep track of your documents - whether they're sent, opened, signed, or completed. Use the audit trail to prove your compliance.

Identity validation & data collection

Identity verification
Identity validation
Validate the identity of your customers with minimum efforts. The form guides your customers through the process and allows them to upload ID pictures right from their phones.
Collect information in a secure way with our form templates - embed them on your website, in an email, or wherever your customers are.
Secure data storage
Your clients' data is handled with the highest level of security. Personal information is protected via encryption.

Secure identity authentication and digital signing with national eIDs

Your customers can safely and quickly confirm their identity and sign digitally using their national eID - in the same way they log in to their online banking, for example. Penneo currently integrates with the below eIDs and the list is constantly growing.


Get the highest level of security with Penneo Sign

As a Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP), Penneo can now offer qualified services, such as:

  • qualified electronic seals, which guarantee the origin and integrity of an electronic document
  • qualified time stamps, which confirm the existence of an electronic document at a certain date and time, as well as provide proof that it hasn’t been modified
  • qualified certificates for electronic signatures, which enable the creation of qualified electronic signatures that are as legally valid as handwritten signatures

That means that when using Penneo Sign, you can rest assured that you do so with the highest level of security.

Get your documents signed in minutes

Upload the documents
Upload the documents you want signed
Add recipient
Add recipient and request identity verification where needed
Send the documents
Send the documents and monitor the signing process
Securely store the signed documents
Securely store and organize your documents in folders

Legality, security and compliance

Legally binding signatures
Legally binding signatures
Penneo signatures are legally binding and compliant with major global standards such as the EU eIDAS Regulation, US Esign Act and UETA Act.
Data security and GDPR compliance
GDPR compliance
You can rely on our encryption, document audit trail as well as policies for data retention and disposal.
Document validator
Document Validator
You can easily verify the technical and legal validity of your digitally signed documents with the EU Validator or Penneo Validator.

Going paperless is good for the environment and your business too

Over 210 M tons of paper are produced yearly – mainly used for wrapping, printing, and writing. However, a huge amount of this paper quickly ends up in the trash bins and later at landfills, where 26% of all waste is paper.

As a company, you can do a lot to reduce paper waste and your carbon footprint by embracing paperless transactions! Removing the ink and paper from your signing processes is a solid step to facilitate business sustainability and become the preferred partner for environmentally conscious customers.

Each year, more than three million documents are digitally signed with Penneo – saving more than 74 tons of paper.

Going paperless

Get started with Penneo today

Get started with Penneo


When a document is signed with an electronic ID via Penneo, the resulting digital signature meets the requirements for advanced electronic signatures set out by the EU’s eIDAS Regulation. Documents signed with an advanced electronic signature are legally binding, except for cases where the law requires a qualified electronic signature or a handwritten signature.

Each document signed with Penneo embeds cryptographic elements that prove its validity. Some are visible on the document while others can be checked with a PDF viewer, our Validator, or the EU Validator.

See on the document:

  •  Unique document key
  •  Dedicated signatures page with information about the signers.


Check with a PDF reader:

  •  Electronic seal certifying the documents’ validity
  •  Audit log, encrypted algorithms of the signatures, timestamps, and proof that the signer has accepted a statement of declaration and consent certifying that the document is intact, untampered, and original

Signing flows are specifically designed sequences ensuring that the right people sign the right documents in the right order. Penneo supports a wide range of signing flows which comply with industry-specific regulations.

For example, flows to sign annual reports, company registration documents, contracts, and agreements among other things. We also work together with our customers to build custom signing flows that respond to their particular business needs.

Learn more about digital signatures

How Do Digital Signatures Work?

Want to know what a digital signature is and how it works? And why...

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Differences between Digital Signatures and Electronic Signatures

People often use the terms digital signatures and electronic signatures interchangeably, unaware of the...

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10 Benefits of Digital Annual Reports

The digital world demands digital documents, and annual reports are no exception. With the...

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Penneo Sign

Get documents signed faster. Collect the information you need and manage your document workflows in an easy and compliant manner.

Penneo KYC

Automate client onboarding and AML compliance. Perform risk assessments and collect client documentation in a safe and efficient way.